Sunday, February 7, 2010


Superbowl Sunday! Actually, we're not really football fans and it's amazing we even know the two teams playing. But, we do, Saints vs. Colts. Anyway, we are going over to Karen and Mike's to watch the game, eat way too much food, and maybe later, play a little Rock Band.
A couple of weeks ago Ryan bowled a 193. He was wanting another "200+" game, and was a little disappointed at first. But then the excitement of the 193 game kicked in and he felt really proud of it. Also, Ryan now has a girlfriend at school. Her name is Olivia. They had a field trip to MOSI a few weeks ago and that's when it became official. Ryan also got his report card the other day. He made honor roll again, all "b"s and one "a". We are always proud of him!
I had my debut party for my Mary Kay business, and it went well. It was only a small group, but we had a good time. I've been focusing more on the business and really trying to continue learning and training. I really do enjoy it.
I'm working part-time at H&R Block during tax season. It's a fun little job. The people there are all very nice and helpful and I am enjoying it, as well.
Rogie has made some progress with his train lay-out. It's really coming along. He also finished painting our armoire which is going in our bedroom. And he built shelves and painted them for the garage. Check out the pics
Yesterday was our 5 year anniversary. We're going to celebrate next weekend though, kind of a Valentine's Day/Anniversary combo.
Tuesday night my Mom and I are going to see Wicked at the Performing Arts Center!!!! I'm soooo excited!!! Mom and I love the theatre and musicals. I haven't been to one in so long and I've been dying to see this one in particular for a couple of years now. I read the book, which was good, too. My Dad bought us tickets for Valentine's day!!! Best Daddy ever!!!
Well, that's the latest......later!