Monday, January 12, 2009

Pretty Uneventful

Monday, Monday......not much happening today. I've been working on computer requirements for my new job. Chatted on the phone a few times with Denise to share ideas. I'm definitely getting a second computer, I did get that decided. I picked Andrew up from school today, b/c the neighbor was unable to bring him home. The boys both did their homework w/o a fight, but after dinner I kind of laid into Ryan about constantly being on the stinkin' X-Box and monopolizing the living room (see pic). That didn't go well, but it's o.k. now. I have to enforce some rules now or he'll just sit there for hours. Other than that, I cleaned a bit and did a bit of laundry. Nothing even close to putting a dent in my list of chores, but hey, it's only Monday. :)


  1. Love the "monopolizing the living room" quote! yeah, that happens here to!

  2. There's no X-Box on a cruise!

  3. I know you feel me Karen. :)
    And Nonna, he knows, he's already asked. But b/c he asked I realized he's 10 and really has no idea what there is to do on a cruise. So I had to give him the 411. I could tell he wasn't questioning that he'd have fun, just questioning what the fun was. Trust me he is excited. His letter from Nonna is up on his push pin board in his room and he's mentioned it anytime Christmas comes up...."Best Christmas ever, I'm going on a cruise in April.".

  4. Missy you earned BIG points for letting the "boys" turn your dining room into a railroad station!
